wtorek, 28 kwietnia 2015

A lil about being a Dreamer bec. Mars is coming :)

I’m a Dreamer.

Mostly… Bec. I’m also a flash and blood human, with all the knowledge and fear of his limits.

For someone who wasn’t raised in environmental of positive attitude, with this American mentality – “You can do it! Go for it! We believe in You” – it’s hard, very hard to change the way of thinking and start creating reality from dreams.

The truth is that, it was even hard to start dreaming and finding the path for me to follow. I was always told that I shouldn’t expect too much from life bec. I will be only disappointed. For many years I also didn’t know what should be my road, bec. when you don’t start dreaming about lil things you want to do, they can’t become big visions.

So I just lived – day after day, year after fucking year with no purpose. Getting older, accomplished nothing, didn’t fit in any society roles like wife, mother, employee… and all I had didn’t make any sense to me.

The change wasn’t sudden, it didn’t came like a revelation or some amazing situation that happened and change my life – so don’t wait and count on that!

It was a process – long, boring and few times changed in time. Waking up to understand who I want to be wasn’t easy, mostly bec. of surrounding reality. When you work at least 8 hours a day in corpo-brainwash organizations, live in a country that won’t help you a bit, but mostly build stairs before your foot and you have to every day count money for living – then it’s  hard to have strength or time to dream. Society take away from us the possibilities to imagine how we would like to live, so we live how they tell us to. Most of us can only create a plan – what will I do if I won a million dollars – but we don’t have a motivation to think – what I can do by my own mind and hands to become the person I want to be.

So there I was – the observer of my life… passing by, going deeper into huge depression with episodes of something that looked like bipolar disease, which by the way I have since now, but I learned to handle them.

My life changed a lot, I’m not observer any more, I know who I want to become and what I want to accomplished, but it doesn’t mean that I still don’t have moments of falling into huge, black whole when I realize the fragility of life and all I can think then, is that better be dead. That time came to me not long ago and something quite strange happened then. I had a dream that I’m sick, some cancer I think – don’t remember exactly – and I got few days of life left. What I remember very good was an enormous panic that surrounded my mind, the thoughts – I’m not going to finish me book, I’m not going to move to Australia and never be with the one I should be. It was one of those realistic dreams, when even after waking up you still think it’s truth. For a moment I found out how it is to face the death and feel you don’t have a chance to make your dreams reality – one thing I can say after that – I won’t wish to be dead never again…  

Conclusion is that life is valuable – so fuck every obstacle, search for your way and when you find it follow, bec. we don’t have much time and there’s no reason to wait…  doubts are always in our minds but as long we live, we can win them.

niedziela, 29 marca 2015

Green - the dark side

Green is the color with many meanings for me, so I’ll be writing about it few times for sure…

   Mostly though, green is nature and Mother Earth. Something that we forget about and cut off, hiding in our cities and spilling concrete everywhere.
   How we treat Earth is terrible, but what makes me angry most is humans hypocrisy.

 Lately I hear a lot of complaining from people about the weather. I work in corpo with clients, so I often have to hear stupid things from them. Mostly I don’t listen when they talk , just smile and pretend to care, but this is not what I want to write about.
 So  people come to me all the time and are grumpy about the weather, like:
  •  “ it was so sunny in the morning and now it rain, it’s so hard to dress for this weather!”  
  • “ It’s so windy now and the weather is changing so fast, that it’s different than what they say in TV” or
  • “It’s winter and there is no snow and frost, that’s why we are sick all the time” 

I really want to say one thing to all off those, who make that noise:


How people can even blame nature if we are the reason for all what is happening.
We cut the rain forest
We pollute the air
We produce tones of plastic
We destroy and contaminate the source of water

 We’re are the cancer of that planet and the blind one for sure.
I’m not some freaky, fighting ecologist. I do many bad things, though I’m trying not to. Not always I can, but I’m also not a hypocrite!
  The fact is, that biggest destroyers of our planet are huge corporations with a lot of money. The fuckers that build houses for million of dollars for themselves in Europ or US, but their factories build in countries like Indonesia, Indie or China to avoid restrictions of pollution and contaminate.    They prefer to spend money on cars and 5th real estate for themselves, but not build sewage farm and take care of all chemistry they produce.
      It’s so fucked that I really don’t have words to comment it! I think it should be forbidden to those who don’t respect the ecology law for expl. of European Union, to sell their products in there, even if the factory is in Asia. But ofc we don't care and our govermants think only about money. 

The conclusion of dark, bitter green of today is – dear humans, pls. think !! You can only blaim yourselves!!! 

Open Your eyes and see…. 

piątek, 27 marca 2015

środa, 25 marca 2015

Bad blogger

  I'm so not good material for a professional blogger... as 30ty year old woman I don't do anything that's popular this days
  •           I can’t cook, like literally anything. My food is mostly frozen or done by family or friends that feed me.
  •         I don’t do fitness… My only exercise is jumping and dancing to music in the morning, before work. And lately I can’t even do that, bec. I ruined my knee during one of my wild jumping to new JackU album.
  •          I don’t have obsession about clothes, shoes or bags. Most clothes I wear look good on me bec. they are black, simple and classic. I don’t understand how people can spend more time in cloth shop than enter, buy and go for coffee then..
  •       I don’t have children, so I can’t even be sexy mom or something like that. I even like children, but they are so boring subject that I don’t know how someone can write about it…
  •          I don’t travel, of course not counting traveling in my head, bec. that I do all the time. I’m day dreamer and night thinker.

                 So yes, I’m going to be bad blogger, with a very lil time for that blog.

  Why do I start it though?

   Because sometimes I have things in my head, thoughts, revelations, ideas and conclusions that I just must write and share with the world. I do it sometimes in my book, but book is not a place to write about a writers thinking, but to create stories and lives of characters.

  It will be the place to think and dream out loud :D 

wtorek, 24 marca 2015


    First color should be the most important for me, so it must be Violet. This is how mostly look my mood... darck and mistic... or just grumpy - using common word.  Always not happy with world around me, just like Violet.

   Beautiful but also sad and nostalgic. 

  So hello to everyone (everyone is very hard word to use for now, I think;))  I'm Lili and I'm trying to change my life till my 31 birthday.  Why till then? I don't know, but I know I just have to, and if I fail the end can be only one. But end is not important, I'll have time to see it. 

   What You should know about Lili for now, is that I'm a writer. I wrote a book, to specify the first part of my Trilogy. I hope that it will go as e-book in June when I end all edits, that takes more time than writing ;) 

  The sad thing is, that my book is wrote in not common used lenguage... polish. Of course I believe that it will be translate in other leng, from all over the world, so everyone can read it and enjoy it. I believe it's the destiny of my book, but like many writers I probably die before it happen. It won't matter though. The dream last for infinity. 

   Important is the story, the meaning and the vision. That can never die.