środa, 25 marca 2015

Bad blogger

  I'm so not good material for a professional blogger... as 30ty year old woman I don't do anything that's popular this days
  •           I can’t cook, like literally anything. My food is mostly frozen or done by family or friends that feed me.
  •         I don’t do fitness… My only exercise is jumping and dancing to music in the morning, before work. And lately I can’t even do that, bec. I ruined my knee during one of my wild jumping to new JackU album.
  •          I don’t have obsession about clothes, shoes or bags. Most clothes I wear look good on me bec. they are black, simple and classic. I don’t understand how people can spend more time in cloth shop than enter, buy and go for coffee then..
  •       I don’t have children, so I can’t even be sexy mom or something like that. I even like children, but they are so boring subject that I don’t know how someone can write about it…
  •          I don’t travel, of course not counting traveling in my head, bec. that I do all the time. I’m day dreamer and night thinker.

                 So yes, I’m going to be bad blogger, with a very lil time for that blog.

  Why do I start it though?

   Because sometimes I have things in my head, thoughts, revelations, ideas and conclusions that I just must write and share with the world. I do it sometimes in my book, but book is not a place to write about a writers thinking, but to create stories and lives of characters.

  It will be the place to think and dream out loud :D 

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