niedziela, 29 marca 2015

Green - the dark side

Green is the color with many meanings for me, so I’ll be writing about it few times for sure…

   Mostly though, green is nature and Mother Earth. Something that we forget about and cut off, hiding in our cities and spilling concrete everywhere.
   How we treat Earth is terrible, but what makes me angry most is humans hypocrisy.

 Lately I hear a lot of complaining from people about the weather. I work in corpo with clients, so I often have to hear stupid things from them. Mostly I don’t listen when they talk , just smile and pretend to care, but this is not what I want to write about.
 So  people come to me all the time and are grumpy about the weather, like:
  •  “ it was so sunny in the morning and now it rain, it’s so hard to dress for this weather!”  
  • “ It’s so windy now and the weather is changing so fast, that it’s different than what they say in TV” or
  • “It’s winter and there is no snow and frost, that’s why we are sick all the time” 

I really want to say one thing to all off those, who make that noise:


How people can even blame nature if we are the reason for all what is happening.
We cut the rain forest
We pollute the air
We produce tones of plastic
We destroy and contaminate the source of water

 We’re are the cancer of that planet and the blind one for sure.
I’m not some freaky, fighting ecologist. I do many bad things, though I’m trying not to. Not always I can, but I’m also not a hypocrite!
  The fact is, that biggest destroyers of our planet are huge corporations with a lot of money. The fuckers that build houses for million of dollars for themselves in Europ or US, but their factories build in countries like Indonesia, Indie or China to avoid restrictions of pollution and contaminate.    They prefer to spend money on cars and 5th real estate for themselves, but not build sewage farm and take care of all chemistry they produce.
      It’s so fucked that I really don’t have words to comment it! I think it should be forbidden to those who don’t respect the ecology law for expl. of European Union, to sell their products in there, even if the factory is in Asia. But ofc we don't care and our govermants think only about money. 

The conclusion of dark, bitter green of today is – dear humans, pls. think !! You can only blaim yourselves!!! 

Open Your eyes and see…. 

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