wtorek, 24 marca 2015


    First color should be the most important for me, so it must be Violet. This is how mostly look my mood... darck and mistic... or just grumpy - using common word.  Always not happy with world around me, just like Violet.

   Beautiful but also sad and nostalgic. 

  So hello to everyone (everyone is very hard word to use for now, I think;))  I'm Lili and I'm trying to change my life till my 31 birthday.  Why till then? I don't know, but I know I just have to, and if I fail the end can be only one. But end is not important, I'll have time to see it. 

   What You should know about Lili for now, is that I'm a writer. I wrote a book, to specify the first part of my Trilogy. I hope that it will go as e-book in June when I end all edits, that takes more time than writing ;) 

  The sad thing is, that my book is wrote in not common used lenguage... polish. Of course I believe that it will be translate in other leng, from all over the world, so everyone can read it and enjoy it. I believe it's the destiny of my book, but like many writers I probably die before it happen. It won't matter though. The dream last for infinity. 

   Important is the story, the meaning and the vision. That can never die.                                       

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